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Bill Clinton Illegally Blocks Voters From Voting For Bernie (VIDEO)

On Super Tuesday in the key state of Massachusetts, former president Bill Clinton illegally entered a polling station to intimidate and prevent voters from casting their votes for Hillary Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders, in the already contentious race in the Democratic presidential primary.  Bernie Sanders has shocked the establishment media and the powerful Clinton political machine by gaining ground so quickly in the race and immense grassroots support which has elevated Sanders to an unprecedented level of popularity nationally.

How Wall Street Is Preparing For "President Trump"

While the market has had its share of bogeymen to worry about so far in 2016, mostly along the lines of the "Four Cs", namely China, Crude, Credit and Currencies, it has so far largely ignored one letter: the Big D, for Donald, as in how would a Trump presidency affect the market. And, as Reuters writes, it is time for Wall Street to add "the juggernaut that is Donald J. Trump to the list of what-ifs that is worrying Wall Street."

What Percent Are You?

What Percent Are You?

Are you the 1% or the 99%? How about among millennials? Or high-school dropouts? The Wall Street Journal shows how your income compares with your fellow Americans.

Earning $25,780 would put you below 50% of Americans reporting individual income in 2014. What percent are you?


Click image below for interactive version

Billionaire Koch Brothers Won't Attack Trump In Primaries After Murdoch Calls For Party Unity

Billionaire Koch Brothers Won't Attack Trump In Primaries After Murdoch Calls For Party Unity

It appears it is not just the bookies that see Trump's nomination as a done deal. Even the money behind the establishment is folding now as Reuters reports the mega-donor billionaire Koch brothers have said they have "no plans to get involved in the primary." This follows another mega-donor, Rupert Murdoch's call to "unify the party" as Trump tries to make peace with the "establishment."

Before Super Tuesday - as the rhetoric reached 1st grade - Murdoch (cum peacekeeper) tweeted...
