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Caught On Tape: Tear Gas Deployed As Migrants Revolt In France

Caught On Tape: Tear Gas Deployed As Migrants Revolt In France

Last month, we profiled Calais, or “the jungle” as it’s known.

The infamous refugee camp has been the subject of quite a bit of media coverage of late and now, France is tearing it down. "With the orange-vested workers again protected by dense lines of riot police as they knocked down huts with hammers and power tools, the debris then lifted into skips by diggers, a dozen or so migrants and activists climbed on to the roofs of shacks next in line to be demolished," The Guardian notes. 

Refugee Crisis In Greece Turns Violent, Government Asks Europe For Help

Over 6,500 migrants are stuck on the border between Greece and Macedonia after the the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s (FYROM) reduced the number of refugees allowed to enter the country.  Macedonian police fired tear gas in order to restrain the migrants being held at the metal fence, as former Greek diplomat Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos urged Europe to help deal with what he says is a ‘humanitarian crisis’. reports: RT: From your viewpoint does the current Greek crisis mark an apocalypse for the EU and the state itself? Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos: Yes, it is interrelated.

Police To Get More Surveillance Powers In New ‘Snoopers’ Charter’

The powers of British police will be extended in the new draft of the ‘snoopers’ charter’ to allow them to hack into phones and access people’s web browsing histories for routine investigations. The extension of police powers contained in the revised investigatory powers bill – which was published on Tuesday-  shows just how determined the home secretary Theresa May is to get her legislation on to the statute book by the end of the year despite sweeping criticism by three separate parliamentary committees in the past month.

Rubio’s Florida Fantasy

The Rubio campaign is misleading its donors into thinking that Rubio will win Florida:

[Rubio’s campaign manager] cautioned patience as people in the room expressed concern about Mr. Rubio’s ability to win Florida on March 15, stating as fact that the senator would carry his home state [bold mine-DL].
