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Super Tuesday Preview: Trump, Clinton On Collision Course

Super Tuesday Preview: Trump, Clinton On Collision Course

Well, Super Tuesday is upon us and we’re about to find out whether Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will run the table on rivals and lock up their respective party nominations.

“About half of the delegates needed for a Republican candidate to win the nomination are at stake, plus about a third for Democrats,” Bloomberg notes. “In roughly a dozen state races, Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Democratic leader Hillary Clinton seem poised to win in landslides that could render them nearly inevitable.”

"The Others Are Worse Than Hitler" A Middle-American Couple Explain Why They're Voting For Trump

With Super Tuesday upon us, it appears no matter what the establishment throws at Donald Trump, nothing seems to stick and reduce his core support's enthusiasm. Many on 'the other side' are unable to comprehend this support and so Indianapolis residents Jon and Elsa Sands wrote to The FT to explain why they are voting for Trump...

FBI Admit They Had Conspiracy Author Bill Cooper Under Surveillance

A FOIA request has revealed that the FBI had former alternative researcher, author and broadcaster William (Bill) Cooper under heavy surveillance prior to his murder in 2001.  Hundreds of unclassified documents reveal that the FBI viewed Cooper as an “armed and dangerous” person who harboured “anti-government” views. The documents describe Bill as being “convinced there is a government sponsored socialist conspiracy to establish a ‘new world order’“.

The Two-Party Illusion

The Two-Party Illusion

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil.”  -   John Adams
