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Russian TV Crew Films Turkish Military Build Up On Syrian Border

A Russian TV channel has obtained footage which shows an increased Turkish military presence on the Syrian border. The REN-TV crew reported that the lodgments are heavily fortified by tanks and self-propelled guns which are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish city of Kobane This follows a series of cross-border shelling attacks by Turkish forces against Kurdish positions in Syria. RT reports: Shells and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the report.

The Trump Realignment

The ebb and flow of campaigns is something political insiders and professionals try to master, but it is usually mysterious. Timing is everything. It is clear that Ted Cruz and especially Marco Rubio have generated some momentum by attacking Donald Trump more personally and viscerally, but far from clear that it will change the course of the contest. What if Rubio had started two weeks earlier with personal attacks: Trump as “con man'; Trump should sue “whoever did that to his face”; Trump as an elderly man who had to check during the debate that “his pants weren’t wet”?

The Trump Litany

Leader: Donald Trump used to be a Democrat.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump is the spoiled child of a rich man.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump has failed in business many, many times.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.
