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Democrats Outraged After "Unprecedented" Decision By GOP To Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings

The war between Obama and the Republican Party over Scalia's Supreme Court replacement just went nuclear.

One day after a 1992 video clip emerged of vice president Joe Biden emerged when the then-senator from Delaware said the Senate should not consider a Supreme Court nominee by president George H.W. Bush during an election year, this afternoon Senate Republicans went "all in" on a Supreme Court gamble, in which they vowed to deny holding confirmation hearings for any nominee from President Obama.

Nationalism And Populism Propel Trump

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

As the returns came in from South Carolina Saturday night, showing Donald Trump winning a decisive victory, a note of nervous desperation crept into the commentary.

Political analysts pointed out repeatedly that if all of the votes for Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson were added up, they far exceeded the Trump vote.

Why this sudden interest in arithmetic?

ISIL Seize Back Al-Shadadi Shortly After Losing Town In N.E Syria

ISIL terrorists in a tough battle with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) took back a major part of the town of Al-Shadadi in Hasaka province in Northeastern Syria on Monday. The town was only liberated at the weekend by Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) and the SDF. Fars News reports: “The ISIL also seized back Village 47 from the Kurdish forces in addition to al-Shadadi town,” the Arabic-language Anab Baldi news website quoted media activist Ebrahim al-Habash as saying today.
