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Kasich and the Missing Foreign Policy Debate

At the entrance to a John Kasich event at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia Monday morning, I was asked by a radio reporter why I was attending. I didn’t say “journalist” (my usual answer) but replied instead, “I’m not satisfied with a three candidate race of Trump, Cruz, and Rubio.” I’m aware that Kasich barely participated in Iowa and South Carolina, but in the one state he, Cruz and Rubio all spent a lot of time in, he bested them both. Plus, as he tells audiences, he beat Donald Trump in Dixville Notch.

The Republican Nevada Caucuses

Today’s Republican Nevada caucuses offer Rubio a chance to do something unusual by winning a race:

“Rubio needs to win somewhere,” Michael Bowers, a professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. “He cannot continue to declare victory when he’s coming in second or third. Nevada could be a good state for him to start doing that.”

Obama Was Ordered By Top US General Not To Attend Scalia’s Funeral

An MoD report says that America’s top military leader ordered President Obama to avoid attending the funeral of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia last week following an admission that Scalia was murdered.  U.S. General Joseph Dunford ordered the President to steer clear of the funeral following a conversation he had with Russian Colonel General Bondarev in which he was asked why Obama had attended a secret meeting with Scalia shortly before his death and why no autopsy had been conducted.

Germans Outraged As Angry Mob Taunt Refugees In Saxony

A video showing a mob surrounding a bus full of migrants and refugees in Clausnitz, Saxony, and taunting them with revolutionary songs has upset the German public. People in Germany are ashamed that an angry mob chanted “Wir sind das Volk” or “We are the people,” at a bus full of migrants, reducing the children to tears and making the women show their disgust. The slogan was used during 1989 by east Germans to help unite with the free world and West Germany and help knock the Berlin Wall down that divided Germany. Why the slogan was used  remains a mystery.
