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‘What’s Wrong With Trump Voters?’

At the risk of posting too much Trumpiana, I have to highlight this comment from reader St. Louisan:

National Review ran a piece this week taking Trump fans and other GOP rebels to task for failing to appreciate mainline Conservatism’s achievements, and putting them at risk. But this is what the piece gives as the “cornucopia of significant changes” for which Bush-weary voters should be grateful:

Iraq War Scandal: Dick Cheney Company Profited From War

If you work for the Elite who profit from the military industrial complex, do not expect them to take care of you while in Iraq or Afghanistan. Not unless you work in the private sector and have connections. U.S. soldiers paid with their health while a company related to the Former U.S. Vice President, Dick Cheney made profits. They made money for themselves and their friends by hiring private contractors while treating serving soldiers without due care and respect. A new book claims that a Dick Cheney related company got rich while U.S.

The Pope Vs. The Donald

The news keeps getting better for Donald Trump, a man who is fortunate in his critics and enemies:

Inserting himself into the Republican presidential race, Pope Francis on Wednesday suggested that Donald J. Trump “is not Christian” because of the harshness of his campaign promises to deport more immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a wall along the border.

Cherie Blair Law Firm Linked To Suspected Terrorist

Financial links between Cherie Blair’s law firm and the corrupt dictator of a tax haven with an appalling record on human rights have been revealed. Mrs Blair, who trumpets her human rights work, faces a corruption probe over a £420,000 deal with the autocratic Maldives President and despot Abdulla Yameen RT reports: Omina Strategy, the law firm founded by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s wife, earned more than £2,000 (US$2,850) a day working for Yameen in various capacities, including managing his administration’s PR.
