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Is The US Leading Saudi Arabia Down The Kuwaiti Invasion Road?

Submitted by JC Collins via,

For the first time in a long time I feel concerned and worried about the prospect of war.  The reaction of Saudi Arabia to the Russian intervention in Syria has always been the wild card in the shifting geopolitical power base in the Middle East.  Turkey and Israel, along with Saudi Arabia are the three countries with the most to lose because of a strong alliance between Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia.

European MP Says Turkey Has Been Caught Red Handed Arming ISIS

A European MP has announced that they have obtained documents that proves that Turkey aid and support terrorists groups such as ISIS in Syria.  In an interview with the Lobe Log news agency, European Parliament member Kati Piri says that she has evidence that Turkey purchases oil from ISIS, and that Turkish intelligence agencies have conspired to cause the “immigration tsunami” currently happening throughout Europe. reports: Piri says that she hoped that the European Parliament will force Turkey to be held accountable for this.

Intelligence Chief Confirms ISIS Has Used Chemical Weapons

A top US intelligence chief has confirmed that ISIS have developed and used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria, saying that its the first such attack by the group in over 20 years. The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee confirming that mustard gas has been used by ISIS militants. reports: He did not elaborate on where and when the chemical attacks occurred, though there has been mounting evidence the terror group was experimenting with chemical weapons.

Jeb Bush Mocks Missing 28 Pages From 9/11 Report

Republican Presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was confronted recently about the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report still not released to the public.  As Bush was preparing for an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, the GOP candidate was approached by an Infowars reporter, who asked Jeb about the mysterious missing pages. Jeb’s brother, George W. Bush, served as US president when the 9/11 attacks occurred. After being confronted by the reporter he says,  “Yeah, sure.

Bernie Sanders Screwed Over By Rigged Election System, Despite ‘Winning’

Despite Bernie Sanders taking 60% of the popular vote in the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday, he will walk away with fewer delegates than democratic rival Hillary Clinton – due to the nonsensical and unfair nature of “superdelegates”. After winning with a 20-point margin, Sanders is set to walk away with 13 delegates, while Clinton will walk away with 15. reports: So how does that work? To break it down, New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates determined by the vote, of which Sanders won 13 and Clinton won 9.
