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Jeb Bush Mocks Missing 28 Pages From 9/11 Report

Republican Presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was confronted recently about the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report still not released to the public.  As Bush was preparing for an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, the GOP candidate was approached by an Infowars reporter, who asked Jeb about the mysterious missing pages. Jeb’s brother, George W. Bush, served as US president when the 9/11 attacks occurred. After being confronted by the reporter he says,  “Yeah, sure. Yeah, I’d like to see them,” sarcastically adding “Do you have them?” before making a quick exit. Since the early days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when news emerged that most of the airline hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, dark allegations have lingered about official Saudi ties to the terrorists. Fueling the suspicions: 28 still-classified pages in a congressional inquiry on 9/11 that raise questions about Saudi financial support to the hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks. The administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama have both refused to declassify the pages on grounds of national security. But critics, including members of Congress who have read the pages in the tightly guarded, underground room in [...]