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Shkreli Declares War On Congress: Moments After Pleading The Fifth, He Calls Reps "Imbeciles"

While many have observed that instead of pleading the Fifth, Martin Shkreli should have at least commented on his pricing practices which have been the cause of much consternation, one thing is clear: the young indicted CEO just declared war on Congress by tweeting that it is "Hard to accept that these imbeciles represent the people in our government."

Oil Spikes Near $33 After Turkey-To-Invade-Syria Rumor

Oil Spikes Near $33 After Turkey-To-Invade-Syria Rumor

Yesterday it was chatter of 6 (non-Saudi) OPEC members agreeing to an emergency meeting (to do what exactly?) that ramped crude (despite dismal production, inventories, and demand data). Today it is talk of Turkey potentially invading Syria from the Russian defense minister...

“We have serious grounds to suspect intensive preparations by Turkey for a military invasion on the territory of the sovereign state of Syria,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, Defense Ministry spokesman, told journalists.

Rubio’s Accomplishments in the Senate

Santorum’s stint as a Rubio surrogate got off to a shaky start this morning. When pressed to name Rubio’s top accomplishment in the Senate, he couldn’t come up with one:

The former Pennsylvania senator, who dropped his presidential bid Wednesday, told co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski he was supporting Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign because the Florida senator is someone “who can work together with people.” But Santorum struggled to name one accomplishment Rubio has had in the Senate.

Should Rand Have Run Like Ron?

Rand Paul’s campaign strategy worked brilliantly—for Ted Cruz. For Rand, it’s led to him dropping out before the first primary. Staunch libertarian supporters of his father’s two campaigns believe Rand should have run more like Ron. But it’s worth examining why he didn’t and why neither Paul has come close to the nomination.
