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"Surely This Problem Won't Affect Me"

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

On a daily basis, I receive emails from associates in the UK and Europe that speak of the sheer madness of allowing refugees in the millions to pour into Europe. The riot in Cologne, Germany, by some 1,000 men who sexually assaulted 90 women, and robbed and threatened others, offers insight as to the scale of riots that we may expect to see in the future.

Iowa Caucuses Underway As Moment Of Truth Arrives For Candidates - Live Coverage

Iowa Caucuses Underway As Moment Of Truth Arrives For Candidates - Live Coverage

Update: The first votes are starting to trickle in and with Ted Cruz and Trump jockeying for the top spot. Clinton is still leading Sanders, although the race is close, as expected. 

Update: As shown below, turnout is topping all expectations on both the Democratic and Republican sides. That should bode well for Trump and perhaps for Sanders, although the number of first time caucus goers is apparently lower than the Sanders campaign would have liked.

As Voting Begins, Bernie Suddenly More Popular With Democrats Than Hillary

As Voting Begins, Bernie Suddenly More Popular With Democrats Than Hillary

In a stunning finding, moments ago Gallup reported that as voting begins in the 2016 presidential primary, suddenly Bernie Sanders, once seen as a long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, has the edge over Hillary Clinton in net favorability among U.S. adults who identify or lean Democratic.

For the two-week rolling average spanning Jan. 18-31, Sanders has a net favorable score of +53 - tied for his highest reading since Gallup began tracking candidates' images in early July of last year. Clinton, long the leader in the popularity metric, has a score of +49.

Russia Release Evidence Showing Turkey Bombing Civilians In Syria

Russia have obtained video evidence showing the Turkish military bombing Syrian civilians from Turkish border posts.  Major General Igor Konashenkov has demanded an immediate explanation from NATO, Turkey and the Pentagon on the incident on Monday. reports: Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov demonstrated the video depicting a part of the Syrian-Turkish border during the press-conference. “This facility is a Turkish border outpost, which did not have any firing points a few months ago,” he said.

Ron Paul: American War On ISIS Will Lead To Martial Law

Ron Paul has warned Americans that Congress’ authorisation for a “war against ISIS” is going to lead to perpetual US wars around the globe, and lead to martial law being declared in the United States against its own citizens.  Ron Paul says that Senator Mitch McConnell’s authorization for war allows the President to put troops anywhere in the world where the Pentagon believe ISIS to operate, which means a potential scenario involving military troops on U.S. streets. reports: The President does not have to deploy the U.S.
