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China Accuses US Warship Of Violating Law

China have accused the United States of violating international law as a US destroyer was spotted sailing within 12 nautical miles of the disputed islands in the South China Sea on Saturday. The U.S. military have admitted sailing past the disputed island, saying it was asserting its freedom of navigation. “We conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea earlier tonight,” Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said in a statement.

War Party On The Run - The Roots Of The Anti-Trump, Anti-Sanders Camps In Both Parties

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

I haven’t had this much fun in years – of course I’m talking about the US presidential election season, with The Donald taking on all comers, and winning (at least so far), and Bernie Sanders burning up the self-satisfied mandarins of the Democratic party Establishment.

What’s great about this spectacle – and one must view it as a spectacle in order to gain maximum enjoyment from it – is that, as none other than Rush Limbaugh points out:
