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Adele Tells Donald Trump To Stop Using Her Music At Campaign Rallies

Singer Adele says that Donald Trump does not have permission to use her songs at campaign rallies after fans expressed their anger that the billionaire Presidential hopeful was using her hits as his warm-up music. Her spokesman confirmed that “Adele has not given permission for her music to be used for any political campaigning” RT reports: The Republican frontrunner regularly plays the British songstress’ hit “Rolling in the Deep” at campaign rallies to ramp up the atmosphere before he saunters on stage. He also previously played her James Bond themed-song after a dystopic speech he gave on America’s future. Adele has largely shied away from political debate since she revealed in 2011 she’s a “Labour girl.” However, she broke her silence on Monday, making it crystal clear that she does not allow her work to be used for political campaign purposes. Rolling in the Deep Trouble: Adele Clarifies Trump Doesn’t Have Permission to Play Her Music — Mediaite (@Mediaite) February 1, 2016 Following a firestorm of criticism over Trump’s appropriation of her work, a spokesperson for the songstress told the Independent: “Adele has not given permission for her music to be used for any political campaigning.” Aerosmith frontman Steven [...]