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Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds

Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds

In March, Saudi Arabia’s air campaign in Yemen will enter its second year.

Riyadh began flying combat missions last year in an effort to rollback the Iran-backed militiamen who drove Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi into exile. The results of the strikes have been mixed. The Houthis were driven from Aden but the fight for Sana’a is far from over.

UN Chief Slams Israel, Calling Them “Gangsters and Hoodlums”

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has criticised Israel in its occupation of Palestinian territories and treatment of Palestinian people, accusing Israeli authorities of being “gangsters and hoodlums”. Ban Ki-moon declared: “After nearly 50 years of occupation—after decades of waiting for the fulfilment of the Oslo promises—Palestinians are losing hope. Young people especially are losing hope.

9 Billion Barrels Of Crude At Risk In Massive Nigerian Oil Shakeup

Submitted by Julianne Geiger via,

Supermajors Shell and Italian Eni could be facing the loss of one of the biggest offshore oil exploration blocks in Nigeria, putting an estimated 9 billion barrels of crude oil at risk.

As the new Nigerian government launches a rampaging anticorruption campaign, local media are reporting government recommendations to reclaim block OPL 245 from oil giants Shell and Eni.

Cheney, Rothschild & Murdoch To Drill For Oil In Syria

Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch are about to violate international law by drilling for Oil in Syria. A US based oil company Genie Energy is planning to drill in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights which is legally part of Syria while at the same time potentially endangering precious water supplies At the end of last year Afek, an Israeli subsidiary of Genie Energy, announced that it had found considerable reserves of oil under the Golan. The Free Thought Project reports: While Syria is torn apart by the warring of U.S.
