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Russia, China, Iran Create Alternative ‘New World Order’

The political landscape of the world is rapidly changing thanks to the collaboration between Russia, China, and Iran who promise to create an alternative to the Western New World Order, according to journalist Carol Gould.  Gould and other experts say that the convergence of these countries signifies the emergence of a new global paradigm, or a new ‘New World Order’, out of the chaos and crisis currently engulfing the West. Fort Russ reports: “What happened this weekend with the signing of the 17 trade agreements (between Iran and China.

Press Release Urging Migrants To learn English Had Spelling Mistake

British Government officials spelt the word “language” wrong in an official press release announcing that new language tests are to be forced on immigrants. The ironic mistake comes as immigrant mothers are being threatened with deportation if they don’t improve their English language skills. On Friday, the Home Office published a press release which read “new English langauge test for family route migrants.” The Home Office promptly moved to rectify the error, but not before it caused a backlash online.
