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The Game of Demonizing Putin

Official Washington influences the opinions of the American people about world affairs by demonizing certain foreign leaders, making them objects of both revulsion and ridicule, thus justifying “regime change” strategies, a particularly dangerous game when played against nuclear-armed Russia, as John Ivens explains. By John Ivens On the morning of Jan. 16 at Hillary Clinton’s campaign…

Hillary's Response When Asked If She Will Release Her Goldman Sachs Speech Transcripts

Hillary's Response When Asked If She Will Release Her Goldman Sachs Speech Transcripts

During the lest Democratic debate on January 17, Hillary Clinton made several populist comments that aimed to show she is "one of the people" and that, like all other candidates, she would aggressively pursue not only bank fraud, but would go after bankers themselves. As we tweeted at the time, these were some of her more prominent soundbites:

‘Why Not Trump?’

Two views of Trump and his supporters, from conservatives who hate Trumpism:

1. From Martin Cothran, the view that Trump and his followers are anti-intellectual morons who are destroying intellectually serious conservatism:

What can you say about a movement of people that stands and applauds the incoherent babbling of Sarah Palin in her endorsement of Donald Trump and then blindly dismisses the serious and reasoned arguments of twenty-two veteran conservative thinkers writing in the flagship conservative magazine without even addressing what they said?

“Putin Did It” Concludes Secret Evidence in UK Inquiry

“Putin Did It” Concludes Secret Evidence in UK Inquiry

On the basis of secret evidence, a UK inquiry under orders from Washington decided that the death ten years ago of a low level spy was “probably” ordered by President Putin of Russia. There is no motive whatsoever for Putin to have been concerned with the dead spy, Litvinenko. He was of no consequence or threat to Russia.

Probably, Litvinenko’s death was due to the fact that he was engaged in the smuggling of nuclear materials and accidently poisoned himself.
