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International Sanctions Against Iran Have Been Lifted

International sanctions against Iran have been lifted following news from the UN nuclear watchdog that the Islamic Republic has complied with its nuclear promises. The BBC reports: The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, announced the lifting of sanctions in accordance with the deal “as Iran has fulfilled its commitment”. The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, said its inspectors had verified that Iran had taken the required steps. A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed last July.

The FBI’s Two-Pronged Investigation of Hillary Clinton — Paul Craig Roberts

The FBI’s Two-Pronged Investigation of Hillary Clinton

Paul Craig Roberts

Judge Napolitano in the article below explains the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton. There are two aspects of the investigation. The original source of her trouble is the charge that she failed to safeguard national security secrets.

Woman Professor Tsai Ing-wen Wins Presidency Of Taiwan

Former law professor, Tsai Ing-wen, 59, has become the first female President of Taiwan. She won 60 per cent of the votes for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) defeating the opposition KMT’s Eric Chu who gathered 30 per cent, with two thirds of the votes counted on Saturday evening. The DPP has been less enthusiastic about economic integration with China while the KMT has pursued friendly economic ties with the mainland over the last eight years in office.

Pro-China Party Falls As Taiwan Elects First Female President In "Historic" Landslide Election

Pro-China Party Falls As Taiwan Elects First Female President In "Historic" Landslide Election

"We failed. The Nationalist Party lost the elections. We didn't work hard enough,” Eric Chu said on Saturday before taking a long bow in front of a “thin” crowd of supporters.

Chu stepped in to become the Nationalist Party (KMT) candidate in Taiwan’s presidential race when his predecessor was deemed too divisive. The island held two elections on Saturday, one for the presidency and one for seats in the national legislature - The Democratic Progressive Party scored resounding victories in both ballots.

Iran Emerges From Isolation, Sanctions To Be Lifted

The UN is set to announce the lifting of sanctions on Iran today after Tehran scaled back its nuclear programme. The International sanctions had suffocated Iran’s ability to trade with the west, and was put in place to force anti-western Iran to negotiate on its nuclear programme. The lifting of the sanctions will be marked as a great achievement for U.S. President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry as well as their European partners.
