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Does The U.S. Have A Middle East Strategy Going Forward?

Submitted by Gregory R. Copley via,

Senior-level sources in numerous Middle Eastern governments have privately expressed bewilderment at recent and current U.S. government strategies and policies toward the region.

But a closer examination of U.S. policies, now almost entirely dictated by the Obama White House, shows no cohesive national goals or policies exist, but rather an ad hoc set of actions and reactions, which are largely dictated either by ideological positions, ignorance, whim, or perceived expedience.

Putin’s Criticism Of The West Attracts Widespread Media Attention

Russian President Vladimir Putin was recently interviewed by German newspaper BILD where he talked candidly about the deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.  In the interview, Putin criticises sanctions against Russia as being designed push Russia into a war, saying that the West has used Ukraine to further a geopolitical agenda with Russia. reports: “The sanctions of the West are designed not to help Ukraine, but push Russia back geopolitically.
