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Russian Imperialism Meets Illusions Of Ottoman Grandeur

Submitted by Burak Bekdil via The Gatestone Institute,

  • Earlier in 2015, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he found it difficult to understand what Russia was doing in Syria, since "it does not even border Syria."

  • By that logic, Turkey should not be "doing anything" in the Palestinian territories, Somalia, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan or any of the non-bordering lands into which its neo-Ottoman impulses have pushed it.

When New Year’s Meant Freedom

Some white Americans still try to dismiss the evils of slavery, pretending that many slaves were happy serving their white masters. But the morning of Jan. 1, 1863, showed a different reality when President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and blacks celebrated, as William Loren Katz recalls. By William Loren Katz When the Emancipation Proclamation…

What's Ahead In 2016 - Key Events Of The Next 12 Months

What's Ahead In 2016 - Key Events Of The Next 12 Months

Elections, elections, and more elections is the 'change' meme for 2016 but, as Bloomberg details, the key events of the year ahead vary from a California marijuana referendum to Brazil's Olympics, and from Davos to SCOTUS. No matter what, 2016 holds a lot of opportunity for volatility, and without The Fed's safety net, who knows what that means for markets...

Here's a selected calendar of key events for the year.

Bill Clinton Made $8 Million From Speeches To Companies With Matters Pending Before Hillary's State Dept

One of the ways Donald Trump has been able to curry favor among an electorate that's increasingly fed up with business as usual inside the Beltway, is to appeal to voters’ ingrained belief that everyone in Washington is effectively beholden to outside interests and campaign donors. 

By virtue of his self-funded campaign, Trump isn’t beholden to anyone - or at least that’s what he’ll tell you. 

Gray, Gays, Trump, & Paris - The Year In News

Gray, Gays, Trump, & Paris - The Year In News

Freddie Gray, gay marriage, Donald Trump and the Paris attacks. Those were among the biggest news topics of conversation for Americans on Twitter in 2015, according to an analysis by Echelon Insights, a research and intelligence firm.


By analyzing 459.9 million tweets from Americans over the course of the last year, we can now see what topics trended, along with the timing and magnitude of each trending topic.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

