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Captured ISIS Fighter Says Training Took Place In Turkey

A former ISIS militant who is now held captive by Kurdish forces has told of his experiences fighting for the terrorist organization, including the training he underwent in Turkey before returning to Syria. Turkey is training Islamic State terrorists in a camp disguised as a training ground for the Free Syrian Army, the 20-year-old jihadist captured by the Kurdish YPG said. The prisoner also said Ankara’s help to the “moderate” Syrian opposition is not as innocent as portrayed.

ISIS Flees Ramadi, This Is What They Left Behind: Photo Album "From The Devil's Grasp"

Last Tuesday, Iraqi troops made a concerted effort to retake Ramadi, which is around 60 miles west of Baghdad. 

The city fell to Islamic State back in May when, according to Ash Carter’s assessment anyway, the army showed no will to fight in the face of the advancing ISIS hordes. Once the army, with the help of Sunni tribal fighters, retook a strategic command center they began to advance on a government complex where, according to sources, some 100 militants were dug in. 

Russia Prepares To Deploy Special Forces To U.S. And Turkey

The Kremlin have announced the possibility of using Special Forces against the U.S. and Turkey after proof emerged that both of these nations support ISIS, and that ISIS are planning to attack Russian soil.  Russia have accused Turkey of training terrorist armed fighters “Majlis of Crimean Tatars” who are preparing to launch guerrilla warfare inside the Crimea Oblast. They also say that the U.S.

Russian Military Official: ISIS Is Run By The CIA

A Russian military official has claimed that ISIS is a CIA run organisation, and that it is essentially a re-branding of al-Qaeda, another CIA group.  Colonel Alexander Zhilin lays out in laymen’s terms why it is in Russia’s interests to support Assad in the video below. reports: A number of Russians, and Westerners as well, have some misunderstandings about Russia’s involvement. Zhilin explains why this is not an optional fight for Russia.

Bernie Sanders Brings Up 9/11 Truth

Bernie Sanders has asked why trillions of dollars went missing the day before 9/11 in a recent speech in Storm Lake, Iowa.  The Presidential candidate mentions Donald Rumsfeld and the mysterious missing trillions in the video. Bernie says the Department of Defense is the only agency of U.S. government that cannot sustain an independent audit. He says that making the government cost effective and getting rid of waste and fraud is on top of his priority list. Bernie also says he wants to get “big money” out of politics, starting with overturning citizens united, and abolishing the TPP.
