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Captured ISIS Fighter Says Training Took Place In Turkey

A former ISIS militant who is now held captive by Kurdish forces has told of his experiences fighting for the terrorist organization, including the training he underwent in Turkey before returning to Syria. Turkey is training Islamic State terrorists in a camp disguised as a training ground for the Free Syrian Army, the 20-year-old jihadist captured by the Kurdish YPG said. The prisoner also said Ankara’s help to the “moderate” Syrian opposition is not as innocent as portrayed. The following is from Sputnik Turkey, who spoke to the fighter: “In August 2014 I trained in Adana under a Daesh commander,” said 20-year-old Abdurrahman Adulhadi. He was captured by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) earlier this month in the al-Hol region of eastern al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria. “There were 60 of us, and we trained in a village not far from the airport. We got up in the morning and played sport. Once a week we had target practice, they taught us how to use Kalashnikovs, machine guns and other kinds of weaponry.” “We were trained by Ahmet from Urfa (a city in the South Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey, close to the Syrian border), and a group member called Ibrahim was our interpreter.” “The training took place in Turkey because the Daesh command thought that it [...]