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Did Saudi Arabia Just Clear The Way For An Invasion Of Syria And Iraq?

And now, a further turn for the absurd...

While it’s still far from common knowledge among the Western public that Washington’s closest allies in the Mid-East are funding, arming, and otherwise enabling the Sunni extremists (including ISIS) battling for control of Syria and working to destabilize Iraq, the massacre that unfolded earlier this month in San Bernardino has managed to focus some much needed attention on the role Saudi Arabia plays in promoting extremism.

"A Night In Aleppo": Scenes From Syria's Most War-Torn City

Back in October, we brought you “Syrian Showdown: Russia, Iran Rally Forces, US Rearms Rebels As ‘Promised’ Battle For Aleppo Begins,” in which we detailed Russia and Iran’s preparations for an push north towards Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city that’s held by a hodgepodge of militants, rebels, and jihadists (if one is inclined to differentiate between the three). 
