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Quarterly Call For Donations and New Column

Quarterly Call For Donations

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear friends, readers often ask me what they can do as individuals. My answer is that there are three things you can do that are effective.

First, be aware that solutions are pointless until there is awareness. You can help to build awareness by recommending this site. If we could get as little as one, two, or three percent of the US population aware and determined, we can force on Washington a change of course.

Turkish Hurryiet Daily Possibly Targeted In "Armed Attack"

Back on September 7, pro-AKP supporters hurled rocks at Hurriyet’s Istanbul headquarters in a display the newspaper’s editor-in-chief called “a black page in Turkey’s democratic history.

He probably should have called it “another” black page in Turkey’s democratic history because as regular readers are no doubt aware, President Tayyip Erdogan has made a habit of curtailing press freedom, stifling free speech, and instilling terror into the masses both figuratively and literally. 

10 Things More Likely To Kill You Than Islamic Terror

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

Guided by talking heads, American armchair warriors spout vitriol, increasingly calling to either treat Muslims like Jews in the Third Reich or simply bomb them into oblivion — and their cognitive dissonance is glaring. These contradictions are evident not least in the paralyzing fear so many ‘Mericans feel toward Muslims who courageously call for soldiers to do their bidding in the Middle East. Their crippling fear of Islamic terror, itself, is cloaked in contradiction.

A Nuremberg Trial for US Funding Slaughter of Syrians Destruction of Libya Iraq Afghanistan

"Assad killed his own people peacefully protesting!" Sound familiar? Substitute 'Gaddafi' for 'Assad,' and one is on one's way to bring to mind so many other similarities made to be forgotten in TV, radio and printed news and entertainment in Western media, media owned by corporations profitably investing in the illegal and unconstitutional use of US Armed Forces and CIA. CIA creation and use of 'Islamic' terror is reviewed.
