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Czech President: Turkey “Behaves As If [It’s] An Ally of the Islamic State; Removes Oil ... Which Finances [ISIS]]

Czech President Milos Zeman said yesterday (English translation):

I think [Turkey] is indeed a member of NATO, but sometimes behaves as if more was an ally of the Islamic Republic: removes oil from the Syrian sites, which finances the Islamic state.




They do not like the Kurds, which are the only ones who fought effectively with the Islamic state. That is why Turkey [should be viewed] with caution and why it should not be an EU member.

He is one hundred percent right …

This Is The Scariest Chart For Angela Merkel

Having won Time's "Person of the Year" award, German chancellor Angela Merkel may have little time, or cause, for celebration.

The reason for that is that, as we noted yesterday when commenting on Donald Trump's snub of Time in which he said that it "picked person who is ruining Germany", is that according to increasingly more Germans, Trump just may be - in his trademark politically incorrect way - right.


Rand Paul Backs Trump, Unleashes "Top Ten Things That Make Obama Unqualified" For Office

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The White House, which is running a blatantly unconstitutional regime, is now attempting to vet potential successors to the Oval Office, and yet again take out opposition leaders.

First, Obama said that Assad lost all legitimacy, and should step down, and partnered with al Qaeda and ISIS to back up his opinions.

Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments

Donald Trump, GOP frontrunner and self-styled anti-establishment candidate, knows how to entertain. 

He also understands that he has built a political brand which garners momentum from the very type of controversy that would sink any other candidate in the field. 

When you put those two things together, you have a recipe for bombastic rhetoric designed to hold the electorate in a perpetual state of shock and embed a tiny voice that says “you know, maybe he’s right” in the back of voters’ collective mind. 

US Has Secret, "Non-Negotiable" Plan To Send 100,000 US, Saudi Troops To Iraq, Lawmaker Claims

US Has Secret, "Non-Negotiable" Plan To Send 100,000 US, Saudi Troops To Iraq, Lawmaker Claims

“For every seven Shiites killed, we want seven Sunnis [killed] in their place.”

That rather alarming declaration comes from outspoken Iraqi lawmaker Hanan Al-Fatlawi. Not known for holding her tongue, the Shia MP inflamed sectarian tensions with her eye for an eye tirade in the summer of 2014, prompting Diana Moukalled, the Web Editor at the Lebanon-based Future Television to pen the following sharp rebuke: 
