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Victoria 'F- the EU' Nuland Finds A Cold Shoulder In Niger

Oh the irony. Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is best known for her central role in the 2014 Ukraine coup that overthrew an elected government. Now she's traveling down to Niger warning the post-coup government to return to constitutional order! Is it any wonder that no one in authority wanted anything to do with her while she was there? Also today a hysterical Nancy Pelosi proclaims that Trump being elected, “...cannot happen, or we will not be the United States of America.” Isn't that an attack on our electoral system? Indictment anyone?

Game Over: Majority Of All Americans Oppose More Aid To Ukraine

The pro-war and pro-Biden CNN has just released a poll that must have been painful for them: Americans across the board, whether Democrat or Republican or independent, whether liberal or conservative, now say they do NOT approve of any further US aid to Ukraine. As Ukraine has been Biden's signature foreign policy issue, what does this mean as we move into election season? Also today - can Trump get a venue change? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Biden Admin Goes Full 'Banana Republic' With Preposterous Trump Indictment

The Biden Administration's indictment of former President Trump (again) not only smacks of desperation in the face of Biden's flaccid support. It also is blatantly totalitarian and absurd. Essentially, Trump is being threatened with jail time for believing the 2020 election was not completely above-board and for sharing his beliefs.

'Make Peace, You Fools!' - With Special Guest Col. Douglas Macgregor

Former senior advisor to President Trump's Secretary of Defense and decorated war hero Col. Douglas Macgregor joins today's Liberty Report to discuss the state of the US/NATO proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. Is there danger of further escalation from the Biden Administration and what might that look like? When and how does this war end? Don't miss today's Liberty Report:

As Confidence In Military Plummets, DC Swamp Calls For A Draft

As new data comes out from Gallup showing a deep American crisis in confidence in the US military, a new op-ed in the Pentagon-friendly is calling for a "limited" military draft to fill the growing gaps between projected force needs and recruitment. Are they trying to grease the skids for an upcoming military conflict with Russia and China? Also today, MSNBC thug calls for new "PATRIOT Act" against MSNBC's political enemies. Today on the Liberty Report:
