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Team Bernie Chimes In: "DNC Corruption Is Bigger Than One Primary"

Team Bernie Chimes In: "DNC Corruption Is Bigger Than One Primary"

Former interim DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile confirmed what many widely suspected in an essay published in Politico today where she called out former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for unfairly rigging the 2016 primary against Bernie Sanders.

In her expose, Brazile described how the Clinton campaign siphoned money from state party chapters, and asserted her control over the DNC by making it financially reliant on her fundraising abilities, even describing the campaign’s actions as “essentially money laundering.”

Elizabeth Warren: "Yes" The Democratic Primary Was Rigged For Clinton

First it was Donna Brazile; now none other than the woman widely expected to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020 - Elizabeth Warren - has thrown Hillary Clinton under the bus.

During an interview on Thursday afternoon on CNN, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was asked if she believed the Democratic National Committee was rigged to favor the presidential nomination of Hillary Clinton.

"Very quickly senator, do you agree with the notion that it was rigged?" CNN's Jake Tapper asked.

"Yes," Warren responded.

Mueller Is Investigating Tony Podesta's Ties To Manafort Lobbying Campaign

Mueller Is Investigating Tony Podesta's Ties To Manafort Lobbying Campaign

In the past, we’ve claimed on numerous occasions that powerful Democrats have as many - if not more – links to Russian business, government and oligarch interests, and that if special counsel Robert Mueller would only investigate, he might discover evidence of collusion between the Clintons and their powerful allies on a level of that recently brought down former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Former Intelligence Official: CIA Is Using Bin Laden Files To Deceive The Public On Iran

Former Intelligence Official: CIA Is Using Bin Laden Files To Deceive The Public On Iran

An intelligence insider is warning the public about this latest CIA mass release of purported Osama Bin Laden files from devices found in the Abbottabad, Pakistan compound, saying that it has a specific political agenda with content that has been carefully and selectively published by the CIA in order to manipulate the public. This surprising insider testimony comes as Iran hawks argue they've found "proof" of an Iran and al-Qaeda connection, and as no information has yet to surface from the files regarding how bin Laden came to be living for years in the n

Russia Has A "Surprise" Planned For US If It Bans RT, Sputnik Ads

Russia Has A "Surprise" Planned For US If It Bans RT, Sputnik Ads

A day after certain members of the Senate Intelligence committee expressed their profound disappointment with Facebook, Twitter and Google for appearing to blow off lawmakers’ concerns about a “sophisticated” Russia-backed propaganda campaign purportedly being carried out on their platforms, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova is hitting back, warning that Russia has “a surprise” response planned if US lawmakers overtly ban Russia Today and Sputnik from running advertisements on twitter and other US social media platforms.
