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Attack On White People Mounts

Attack On White People Mounts

New York professor says white nuclear family promotes racism.

In The Camp of the Saints, diversity politics prevented marriages between a white man and a white woman in order to reduce diversity by breeding white people out of the human race.

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The Swamp Wins: Trump Expected To Nominate Powell To Replace Yellen

The Swamp Wins: Trump Expected To Nominate Powell To Replace Yellen

Authored by Tho Bishop via The Mises Institute,

In the end Donald Trump will get what he wanted, a “low interest rate person” who also happened to be a “Republican.”

Jerome Powell is expected to replace Janet Yellen in an announcement later this week. If so, this means Trump will ensure that, while the stationary at the Eccles Building will change, the monetary policy guiding it likely will not.

Stockman Slams Mueller's Mugging Of America: The Case Of Baby George Papadopoulos

Authored by David Stockman via David Stockman's Contra Corner blog,

This is how the Deep State crushes disobedience by the unwashed American public. It indicts not only ham sandwiches but, apparently, political infants in diapers too, if that's what it takes. Hence the sudden notoriety of Baby George Papadopoulos, who pled guilty to "lying" about an essentially immaterial date to the FBI.

Oh, and by all signs and signals that plea came after this 30 year-old novice had been wearing a wire for several months.

Trick Or Treat: One Year Later, Is Trump A Blessing Or A Curse To The Deep State?

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

Has Donald Trump been a blessing or a curse to the architects of the American police state?

One thing is for sure: a year into his presidency, Trump hasn’t done much to improve the lot of the American people.

The predators of the police state are still wreaking havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives.
