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Bannon Says GOP "Trying To Destroy Me" As He Sets His Sights On Jeff Flake's Senate Seat

Bannon Says GOP "Trying To Destroy Me" As He Sets His Sights On Jeff Flake's Senate Seat

Having successfully led a campaign to elect Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore in his primary runoff against the GOP establishment candidate Luther Strange, former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has now set his sights on Jeff Flake's Arizona Senate seat.  At a kickoff rally for Flake's Republican primary opposition, Dr. Kelli Ward, Bannon said that the Republican establishment, led by Mitch McConnell, John McCain and Bob Corker are actively "trying to destroy him everyday." More from The Hill:

The 7 Key Takeaways From Xi Jinping's Vision For "A New Era" In China

The 7 Key Takeaways From Xi Jinping's Vision For "A New Era" In China

As reported first thing this morning, China's President Xi Jinping outlined his vision for the next five years, ushering in a "new era" (a term he repeated 36 times) of development in China, as the Communist Party’s 19th Congress opened in Beijing on Wednesday. During a 3½-hour long speech, Xi said the internal and external situations facing China were undergoing complicated changes which the party needed to address.

Did Syria Just Strike An Israeli F-35 Jet

Did Syria Just Strike An Israeli F-35 Jet

With the assistance of South Front

It looks that the Israeli “demonstration of power” during the recent visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu may have turned into a total failure. On October 16, Shoigu arrived in Israel for meetings with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two were reportedly set to discuss the situation in the region, including Syria, the fight against terrorism, as well as military and technical cooperation.

Mnuchin: "Extraordinary" If Tax Reform Gets Done This Year; "No Question" Market Drops If Bill Fails

Mnuchin: "Extraordinary" If Tax Reform Gets Done This Year; "No Question" Market Drops If Bill Fails

Barely a day after Gary Cohn told an audience at the annual meeting of the American Bankers Association that Congress has a “unique opportunity” to pass tax reform by the end of the year, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin – who shares responsibility for the administration’s tax agenda alongside Cohn – acknowledged the truth about Trump’s No. 1 legislative priority: namely, that it would be “extraordinary” if the Republicans could pass tax reform by year’s end.
