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Chinese Army Documents Leak Set To Embarrass Beijing

Chinese Army Documents Leak Set To Embarrass Beijing

Authored by Jan van der Made via RFI,

In the vaults of’s self publishing market place, a growing series of books exposing China’s dark secrets is seeing the light. Six books with colorful covers, which constitute the “China Secrets” series, introduce a reader to the fascinating world of China’s internal – or neibu – documents. But many questions remain.

FBI Informant "Threatened" After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case

FBI Informant "Threatened" After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case

While the mainstream media has largely ignored it, the scandal surrounding Russian efforts to acquire 20% of America's uranium reserves, a deal which was ultimately approved by the Obama administration, and more specifically the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which included Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder, is becoming more problematic for Democrats by the hour. 

FBI Reports 61% Surge In "Felonious" Cop Killings Year Over Year

Coinciding with an unprecedented surge in violence in cities like Chicago and Baltimore last year, the 2016 Law Enforcement Officers Killed And Assaulted (LEOKA) report released by the FBI earlier today has revealed a staggering increase in criminal attacks against police officers.  Per the report, a total of 118 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in 2016, of which 66 were felonious, a 61% increase versus 2015 and 144% increase compared to 2013.
