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With Just Hours Until Spain's Ultimatum Runs Out, Catalonia Proposes Its Own Central Bank

It's D-Day for Catalan President Carles Puigdemont who has just a few hours left until 10 am on Monday (4am ET) to respond to the Spanish government's ultimatum delivered last week by the prime minister, demanding to know whether Puigdemont did, indeed, declare independence last week. If Puigdemont says yes, fails to respond, or provides another meandering answer, Rajoy will start the process under Article 155 to seize control of the breakaway administration in the coming weeks.

Clinton Deflects Weinstein Questions: "We Just Elected An Admitted Sexual Predator"

Hillary Clinton was shocked – just shocked – to learn that her former friend and campaign fund-raiser Harvey Weinstein had been harassing and assaulting women for 30 years.

At least, that’s what she told her interviewer from Channel Four after Clinton took a brief break from signing books during the London leg of her globe-trotting book tour to promote “What Happened”, her “mea culpa” from the 2016 campaign where the former Secretary of State blames everyone from Bernie Sanders to Russia to James Comey to institutionalized sexism…you get the idea.

How Socialism Ruined Venezuela

How Socialism Ruined Venezuela

Authored by Rafael Acevedo & Luis B. Cirocco via The Mises Institute,

In order to understand the disaster that is unfolding in Venezuela, we need to journey through the most recent century of our history and look at how our institutions have changed over time.

What we will find is that Venezuela once enjoyed relatively high levels of economic freedom, although this occurred under dictatorial regimes.

Nuclear Stupidity: Tillerson Says Diplomacy Continues Till First Bomb Drops

Nuclear Stupidity: Tillerson Says Diplomacy Continues Till First Bomb Drops

 The following artice by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says President Donald Trump wants him to push forward on diplomacy with North Korea “until the first bomb drops.” (Bloomberg)


Brilliant! That means until the first entire city is destroyed. At least, that is what it could easily prove to mean … unless he means until the US drops its first bomb. 
