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Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations

Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations

Meet Daphne Caruana Galizia, the journalist who led the Panama Papers investigation into corruption in Malta.

A blogger whose posts often attracted more readers than the combined circulation of the country’s newspapers, Caruana Galizia was recently described by Politico as a “one-woman WikiLeaks”.

To John Dalli, a former European commissioner whom she helped bring down in a tobacco lobbying scandal, Galizia is “a terrorist.”


North Korea Drops Propaganda Leaflets On Seoul: "Let's Behead Mad Dog Trump, Death To The Old Lunatic"

North Korea Drops Propaganda Leaflets On Seoul: "Let's Behead Mad Dog Trump, Death To The Old Lunatic"

Following President Trump's United Nations' speech threats to "totally destroy" North Korea, lambasting the North's leader Kim Jong-un as "a rocket man on a suicide mission," it appears he is not the only one capable of public and aggressive hyperbole.

As The Independent reports, propaganda fliers presumed to be from North Korea and calling US President Donald Trump a “mad dog” have turned up across central Seoul, including near the presidential Blue House, according to posts on social media and people who found them.

"That Money's Already Been Spent" - Clinton Foundation Won't Return $250,000 Weinstein Donation

"That Money's Already Been Spent" - Clinton Foundation Won't Return $250,000 Weinstein Donation

After the Clinton Foundation’s chief spokesman suggested as much in a tweet on Saturday, the Clinton Foundation has confirmed that it will not be returning a $250,000 donation from disgraced Hollywood studio chief Harvey Weinstein, Fox news reported.

The foundation said Sunday that donations, ranging from $100,000 to $250,000, have already been spent on projects.

Firm Behind "Trump Dossier" Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena

Firm Behind "Trump Dossier" Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena

The three co-founders of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm responsible for overseeing the creation of the infamous “Trump dossier”, will refuse to comply with a subpoena ordered by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, according to a letter from their attorneys originally obtained by Business Insider.

But experts say the argument their lawyers are using to ask that they be excused relies on shaky legal grounds, and is unlikely to hold.
