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Trump Invites "Crushing" Response After Designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard As Terrorist Organization

Trump Invites "Crushing" Response After Designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard As Terrorist Organization

While Trump's just announced decision to decertify the Iranian nuclear deal, giving Congress 60 days to decide whether to unwind Obama's landmark deal, was widely leaked previously even though few can point to what terms of the agreement Iran has violated, one aspect of Trump's Iran statement was unclear: whether he would designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp, or IRGC, the elite wing of Iran's army, a terrorist organization -  a move which Iran vowed would prompt "decisive , crushing" retaliation.

Buchanan Asks "Is Trump The Heir To Reagan?"

Buchanan Asks "Is Trump The Heir To Reagan?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Three decades ago, as communications director in the White House, I set up an interview for Bill Rusher of National Review.

Among his first questions to President Reagan was to ask him to assess the political importance of Barry Goldwater. Said Reagan, “I guess you could call him the John the Baptist of our movement.”

I resisted the temptation to lean in and ask, “Sir, if Barry Goldwater is John the Baptist, who would that make you?”

Israeli TV Shows Footage Of ISIS Training Camp On Israel's Border

Israeli TV Shows Footage Of ISIS Training Camp On Israel's Border

Last November Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country “won’t allow Islamic State figures or other enemy actors, under the cover of the war in Syria, to set up next to our borders,” but it appears this has already happened, to the point that a sizable ISIS training camp has been set up just across the Golan Heights border with Israel. Though Syrian al-Qaeda has long been a mainstay in southern Syria along Israel's border, this constitutes the first widespread public acknowledgement and confirmation of a significant ISIS base of operations in the Golan regio
