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Can The Government Keep Us Safe?

Can The Government Keep Us Safe?

Authored by Andrew Napolitano via,

Here we go again. The United States has been rattled to the core by an unspeakable act of evil perpetrated by a hater of humanity. A quiet, wealthy loner rented a hotel suite in Las Vegas, armed it with shooting platforms and automatic weapons, knocked out two of the windows, and shot at innocents 32 floors below. Fifty-nine people were murdered, and 527 were injured.

South Korea's New "Blackout Bomb" Can Paralyze The North's Power Grid

South Korea's New "Blackout Bomb" Can Paralyze The North's Power Grid

US and South Korean officials are nervously watching to see if North Korea follows through with its threats to carry out another nuclear test – or to fire a rumored long-range missile capable of accurately striking the west coast of the US into the Pacific – in celebration of the Oct. 10 anniversary of the Communist Party’s creation. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that South Korea has developed a new weapon to hobble the North’s infrastructure should an armed conflict erupt on the peninsula.

Catalan President To Declare "Gradual Independence" On Tuesday

In the latest twist ahead of tomorrow's much anticipated "next step" announcement to be made by the Catalan secessionists, which is still to be formalized, Spain's EFE newswire reports that Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont has reportedly drafted a declaration of "gradual independence", that will be "gradually effective" and which will plan to start a constituent process.

Germany's "Open Doors" Are Closing: Merkel Seeks New Limits On Refugees

Germany's "Open Doors" Are Closing: Merkel Seeks New Limits On Refugees

After German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted late last year that she had “lost control” of Germany’s refugee crisis after adopting an “open door” policy that fueled an unprecedented spike in crime, her weakened ruling coalition announced Monday that it would seek to impose new restrictions on the number of refugees admitted to the country.

Germany famously admitted nearly one million refugees from Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other war zones in 2015, a five-fold increase over the previous year.
