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Spain Responds: Considers Puigdemont Speech Declaration Of Independence, "Expected To Apply Article 155"

It has been a hectic day for Spain where moments ago separatist Catalonia appeared to step back from the brink of officially declaring independence - with potentially dire consequences -  even as Puigdemont asked for a mandate to delare indpendence for Catalonia but proposed to suspend the result of the referendum vote "for weeks", in an attempt to achieve dialogue with the Spanish government "to arrive at an agreed solution to advance with the demands of the people of Catalonia."

North Korea Hackers Steal War Plans, Kim Jong-Un Assassination Details

North Korea Hackers Steal War Plans, Kim Jong-Un Assassination Details

While tensions with North Korea have receded in recent weeks, and especially following the latest uneventful weekend, when markets were on edge that Kim could try another missile test launch to celebrate the country's national holiday, this could reverse following news from the BBC that North Korea hackers have reportedly stolen a large cache of military documents from South Korea, including a plan to assassinate North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un.

Trump Proposes IQ Test With Tillerson To Find Out Who Is The Real Moron

Trump Proposes IQ Test With Tillerson To Find Out Who Is The Real Moron

President Donald Trump could sit down for lunch with a reanimated Albert Einstein and - if challenged - would still boast about being the smartest person in the room.  

Trump reaffirmed in an interview with Forbes that he believes reports that Tillerson once privately called him a “fucking moron” aren’t true. But in any event - just in case - a quick IQ test should be enough to repudiate any lingering doubts about the president’s superior intellect.

Horrific New Revelations On CIA Torture

The CIA has been forced to declassify nearly 300 documents about a secret torture site in Afghanistan where CIA psychologists devised some of the most cruel and inhuman ways of torturing. Some were killed. The psychologists made millions of dollars. It was more than ten years ago. Past history? Not if you listen to President Trump on torture. Waterboarding? “I love it,” he said at a rally.
