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3 Green Berets Killed In Al Qaeda Ambush Near Mali-Niger Border

3 Green Berets Killed In Al Qaeda Ambush Near Mali-Niger Border

An unidentified group of assailants attacked and killed soldiers from both the US and Niger in an ambush near the Niger-Mali border on Wednesday, according to CNN and local French-language media.

Three green berets were killed in the incident, the first US casualties in a mission to assist local troops against Al Qaeda's African branch, and five soldiers from Niger were also killed.

"It Won't Pass" - Larry Fink, Warren Buffett Blast Trump's Tax Reform Plan

"It Won't Pass" - Larry Fink, Warren Buffett Blast Trump's Tax Reform Plan

In the week that’s passed since the White House unveiled its tax-reform plan, Republicans and Democrats have expressed their reservations about the proposal, particularly after an analysis from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center suggested that taxes would rise over the coming ten years for most members of the middle class if the proposal were passed into law.

Senate Intel Committee Says Investigation Hasn't Determined Whether Russians Supported Trump Or Clinton

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and Vice Chairman Mark Warner told reporters on Wednesday that, after conducting more than 100 interviews and reviewing 100,000 pages of documents, it has yet to come to a finding in its probe into whether Russia meddled in the US election to benefit one candidate over the other.

Is it Wrong to Question the Official Story When Tragedy Strikes?

Is it Wrong to Question the Official Story When Tragedy Strikes?

Via The Daily Bell

The media says, “Jump.” And the public responds in unison, “How high?”

“As high as you ever have jumped before, except maybe after 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination.”

Of course, when there is news, it should be reported. Today it is reported sensationally, as entertainment. Is it meant to inform, or induce?

Which came first, the media’s obsession with violence, or the public demand for violence? In the 1990’s as violent crime in America dropped, the media filled more or more time slots with stories about violence.
