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US Orders 60% Of Havana Embassy Staff To Leave After Wave Of Mysterious 'Sonic Attacks'

US Orders 60% Of Havana Embassy Staff To Leave After Wave Of Mysterious 'Sonic Attacks'

Senior U.S. officials have told the Associated Press that the U.S. is pulling roughly 60% of its staff out of Cuba and warning American travelers not to visit due to "specific attacks" that have harmed U.S. diplomats - namely the unspecified sonic attacks that have caused injuries ranging from mild to severe in more than 20 diplomats who formerly worked at the embassy. The officials say the US is ordering all nonessential staff in the embassy in Havana to leave, along with all family members. Only "emergency personnel" will remain.

"A Dangerous Move": Masoud Barzani Either Burned Or Paved The Way For The Syrian Kurds

"A Dangerous Move": Masoud Barzani Either Burned Or Paved The Way For The Syrian Kurds

Submitted by Elijah Magnier, Middle East based chief international war correspondent for Al Rai Media

The decision of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) leader Masoud Barzani to hold a referendum for Kurdistan independence will define the future of the Kurds in north-east Syria. The international community (headed by the US with numerous military bases in Syria) is directly concerned with the reactions, verbal threats, and measures announced by the countries with a Kurdish majority and bordering Iraqi Kurdistan, i.e. Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq.

The US Military's "Weapon Of The Future" Looks A Lot Like Skynet

The US Military's "Weapon Of The Future" Looks A Lot Like Skynet

Maybe Elon Musk had a point…

The US’s military leaders have agreed on a strategy to guarantee the US military retains its global dominance during the twenty-first century: Connect everything with everything, as DefenseOne describes it. The result? An unimaginably large cephapoloidal nervous system armed with the world’s most advanced weaponry, and in control of all military equipment belonging to the world’s most powerful army.

Sound familiar? It should...

Clinton Lawyer Helped Facebook Avoid Political Ad Disclosures

Clinton Lawyer Helped Facebook Avoid Political Ad Disclosures

It’s almost surprising how many people have forgotten how, shortly after the election, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said you’d have to be “crazy” to think that Facebook’s platform – by helping to spread “fake news” – had helped sway the vote in favor of President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, sanctimonious Democrats are impervious to basic logic when it comes to assessing the overall impact that $100,000 in ad buys had on the election (it's a drop in the bucket in terms of overall spending).
