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The US Government Versus Home Sweet Home

Over the last few decades the United States government has been working on degrading Americans’ homes one piece at a time. A new proposal the US government is considering would add gas stoves commonly used in the kitchens of homes across the country to its list of forbidden yet highly valued home items. Home sweet home keeps becoming more bitter as the US government mandates the elimination of home features that have contributed greatly to Americans’ comfort in their abodes.

Big Brother in the Big Apple

“Big Brother is protecting you.” That is a quote from New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a Saturday article at Politico. Adams made the comment in defense of the extensive web of high-tech surveillance his city government deploys against people in America’s most populous city, as well as the mayor’s desire to expand the surveilling.

Dennis Kucinich Discusses the Pressure on Congress Members to Support War

Dennis Kucinich proved his antiwar bona fides over 16 years in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat from Ohio and two campaigns for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. In a new interview with host Chris Hedges at The Chris Hedges Report, Kucinich discusses some of the pressure members of Congress are under that helps ensure that few members speak out against war like he did.

McAdams on Biden Family & Global Interests Tied to Ukraine

The incoming Republican majority in the House is promising a number of investigations into the Biden Administrations policies, specifically those related to government finances and foreign policy. One America's Stella Escobedo spoke to Daniel McAdams, the Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Watch the interview here:
