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Ron Paul: Here's The Truth About The War Between The Alt Right And Cultural Marxists

Despite recently being demonetized by YouTube, possibly for his anti-establishment views and slamming President Trump’s decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul is back with a video addressing the widening left-right political divide in the US – and the role that the “immoral use” of government force has played in fomenting the US’s present political crisis.

India May Issue Its Own Bitcoin-like Cryptocurrency As Legal Tender

India May Issue Its Own Bitcoin-like Cryptocurrency As Legal Tender

Less than a year after India launched a shocking "war on cash" when on November 8, 2016 it unveiled a demonitization campaign in an effort to wipe out huge amounts of so-called 'black money' and streamline its largely cash-based economy, which however was called “a colossal failure which cost innocent lives and ruined the economy" by Rahul Gandhi earlier this month after it was revealed that 99% of the high denomination banknotes cancelled last year were in fact deposited or exchanged for new currency, even as India's GDP tumbled to 2 year lows...

To Combat "Hate" - Make Government Weaker

Authored by Justin Murray via The Mises Institute,

On 18 August 2017, the mayor of Boston Marty Walsh announced that the city should avoid the Commons on 19 August 2017 because of white supremacists and the chances of violence at a planned free speech rally. Predictably, thousands of people showed up to protest this group based on the words of the mayor. The mayor was rather unambiguous,

Yen Weaker After Abe Decides To Hold Snap Elections

Yen Weaker After Abe Decides To Hold Snap Elections

Despite Japan being closed for holiday, the Yen has started off on the back foot, with the USDJPY rising 20 pips following a weekend Nikkei report that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to dissolve the lower house with a general election to follow next month, hoping to capitalize on an uptick in public support before the opposition has a chance to regroup and mount a formidable challenge.

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

Authored by John Ivison via,

Participation in the ballistic missile defence program would be costly, but, amid nuclear threats, it appears Canada is no longer under the protective umbrella of the U.S.

Politicians approach most subjects with open mouths, but they are rarely at a loss for words.

That’s why the testimony at a House of Commons defence committee, specially convened to consider the thorny problem that is North Korea, was so memorable.
