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It's Up To McCain: Republicans' Last Ditch Push To Repeal Obamacare Gains Momentum

Update from Bloomberg: McCain still on the fence:


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Here's What To Expect From Trump At The United Nations

Here's What To Expect From Trump At The United Nations

After visiting Naples, Fla. last week to survey the damage wrought by Hurricane Irma, President Donald Trump is traveling to his hometown, New York City, Monday for a week of speeches and meetings with foreign leaders during a session of the United Nations General Assembly. The highlight of the trip is, of course, Trump's first speech before the General Assembly, which will take place Tuesday.

Obama Goes Full Clinton Foundation With Series Of $400,000 Wall Street Speeches

Obama Goes Full Clinton Foundation With Series Of $400,000 Wall Street Speeches

For a man who once criticized the Clinton Foundation for taking millions of dollars in 'donations' from Wall Street "Fat Cats," Obama seems to be in a rush to replicate the lucrative Clinton scam via his very own Obama Foundation. As Bloomberg points out this morning, since leaving office in January, Obama has already collected millions in speaking fees from the same Wall Street banks that may have cost Hillary her shot at the White House.

Russia Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile During "Zapad 2017" Military Drill

Russia Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile During "Zapad 2017" Military Drill

As reported last Thursday, Russia’s military is currently conducting its "biggest display of military power since the end of the Cold War", called Zapad-2017. The drill involves anywhere between 12,700 and 100,000 troops (depending on whether one believes Russia or NATO), 10 ships, 70 planes and helicopters, 680 equipment units, 250 tanks, and multiple launch rocket systems and mortars.


Will The US Bomb? First Images Of Syrian Army Crossing The Euphrates River In Deir Ezzor

Will The US Bomb? First Images Of Syrian Army Crossing The Euphrates River In Deir Ezzor

A correspondent with Al-Masdar News based in Damascus has confirmed that the Syrian Amy has crossed the Euphrates which runs through Deir Ezzor on Monday. The river forms a natural demarcation line separating Syrian government forces and their allies from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF):

DAMACUS, SYRIA (4:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Army was capable today of crossing the Euphrates River after fully recapturing Sakr Island located to the north of Deir Ezzor Airbase.

