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A Frustrated Bank Of America Asks "What Could Go Wrong?": Here Is Its Answer

A Frustrated Bank Of America Asks "What Could Go Wrong?": Here Is Its Answer

For the past 3 months, Bank of America strategist David Woo has been warning that the market is precariously unbalanced, and as a result the smallest shift away from being "priced to perfection", or spike in volatility, could lead to a waterfall event. As we first reported back in July, Woo first warned that between the ongoing standoff in Washington, and the seemingly endless showdown with North Korea, there are two "dangerous" games of chicken afoot, both of which could culminate in a market crash.

Whatever Happened to America?

Dear Friends and Supporters, this is my quarterly call for your financial support. There is no one who will write for you more frankly and truthfully than I do. This article is long. Read it. Twice, three times. You will learn an important part of your history that has been cast into the Memory Hole. You will learn the nature of the danger that we as a people face. And you will learn a lot about yourselves. PCR

Whatever Happened to America?

Paul Craig Roberts

Over the course of my lifetime America has become an infantile country.

North Korea Warns More Sanctions Will Only Accelerate Its Completion Of A Nuclear Force

In the ongoing game of escalating verbal ping-pong, North Korea responded on Monday to the latest condemnation by the UN Security Council which responded to Pyongyang Friday missile launch with a harsly worded verbal rebuke, and warned that the more sanctions pursued by the US and its allies, "will only increase our pace towards the ultimate completion of the state nuclear force,” KCNA reported, citing ministry of foreign affairs.

In "Warning To Pyongyang", B-1B Bombers, F-35s Hold Mock Bombing Drills

In "Warning To Pyongyang", B-1B Bombers, F-35s Hold Mock Bombing Drills

A day after US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley admitted that with the latest round of sanctions the Security Council has just about reached the limits of China’s and Russia’s tolerance – and that the US will now need to explore other diplomatic, and possibly military, options, US forces joined with their South Korea counterparts for another "show of strength" meant for North Korea.
