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US "Evaluating Shuttering Cuba Embassy" After Unexplained Sonic Attacks, Tillerson Says

US "Evaluating Shuttering Cuba Embassy" After Unexplained Sonic Attacks, Tillerson Says

With the total number of Americans affected by a potential 'sonic attack' in Cuba now reaching 21, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the Trump administration is considering closing down the U.S. Embassy in Havana following unexplained incidents harming the health of American diplomats.

As one former CIA official says: "It's just mystery after mystery after mystery."

"This Could Take Years" Feinstein Confirms Trump Jr. Will Give Public Testimony This Fall

It seems Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein has finally gotten her way. After months of promising that President Donald Trump’s son Donald Jr. would testify publicly about the infamous “Russia meeting,” the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning that she knows “for sure” that Trump Jr. will testify publicly “sometime this fall.”

“I think it’s Senator Grassley’s intent, and it’s certainly my intent, to have him before the Committee in the open to ask him some questions.”

Haley Warns World: Mattis Will "Take Care" Of North Korea If Diplomacy Fails

During an appearance CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley admitted something that most of the international community – perhaps including Kim Jong Un himself – has known for weeks: The United Nations Security Council has just about reached the limit of its ability to economically punish North Korea.  

How The Wall Street Journal Turns the Truth On its Head

Via The Daily Bell

And the award for most misleading headline goes to the Wall Street Journal.

What do you think an article entitled, Unlike Most Industries, Drone Makers and Operators Clamor for Federal Regulation, is all about?

If you guessed it is about drone makers and operators clamoring for more regulations, you are wrong.

Exactly the opposite is true. The drone industry is being stifled by overbearing regulation. Because of one size fits all federal regulations, all across America, it is almost impossible to use drones for commercial purposes.
