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Maryland Judge Demands Bar Investigation Of Hillary Aides Who Helped Destroy Private Emails

Maryland Judge Demands Bar Investigation Of Hillary Aides Who Helped Destroy Private Emails

Last week the FBI denied Ty Clevenger's FOIA request for Hillary Clinton's emails due a supposed "lack of public interest."  No really...once you've manage to stop laughing, you can read our prior post on the topic here:  FBI Denies FOIA Request For Hillary Documents Due To "Lack Of Public Interest".

Krieger: We Need To Admit The Government Story About 9/11 Is Bullshit

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Unless we come to terms with 9/11 and the obvious fact that the official government story is a ridiculous fairytale, it’ll be hard for our nation to move forward in an intelligent, courageous and ethical manner.

Many of the most destructive trends which have defined our post September 11, 2001 environment, such as a loss of civil liberties and endless barbaric wars of aggression abroad, have been directly related to our false understanding of that awful terrorist attack.
