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Why Presidents Campaign On Peace But Rule By War

Why Presidents Campaign On Peace But Rule By War

Authored by Joey Clark via,

If the United States government continues as it does today, bestriding the narrow world like a colossus, it will be stabbed through the heart by daggers inscribed with the nation’s founding principles - the words “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” shedding salty tears of blood from sullied steel.

But I hope this day will not arrive.

To Find Leakers, Jeff Sessions Wants To Put Entire National Security Council Through Lie Detector Test: Axios

Having warned previously that the DOJ would crack down brutally on any current and future leakers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appears ready to follow through with this threat, and according to Axios, he has told co-workers he is seeking to put the entire National Security Council staff through a lie detector test "to root out leakers."

While it is unclear if Sessions will follow through, the AG reportedly floated the idea to multiple people, as recently as last month.

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are a dumbshit American

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are
a dumbshit American

Stephan Lendman Tells It Like It Is

by Stephen Lendman

In response to the Trump administration’s illegal seizure and search of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, a total violation of diplomatic immunity, Vladimir Putin responded to a reporter’s question, saying “Trump is not my bride, and I am not his bride or groom.”

George Soros And The Politics Of Hope And Hate

Authored by Matthew Jamison via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The hackneyed international billionaire enigma known by the name of George Soros (redolent of the James Bond villain Blofeld – the head of the sinister shadow government organisation Spectre – in Ian Fleming’s novels) is up to his old tricks yet again in stirring up tensions and trouble to suit his own warped personal, political and financial agenda.
