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Why The War Party Loves To Call Foreign Leaders Insane

Why The War Party Loves To Call Foreign Leaders Insane

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

When the US government decides it doesn't like a foreign regime, it's become something of a tradition for US politicians — with the help of a compliant media — to portray those leaders as irrational, unhinged, or even downright insane. 

This was true of Saddam Hussein, and it was true of Slobodan Milosevic. In both cases, a foreign head of state was condemned as irrational in order to help justify US invasions and bombings of foreign nations that were no threat to the United States. 

Globalists Will Throw Antifa To The Wolves To Further Their Agenda

Globalists Will Throw Antifa To The Wolves To Further Their Agenda

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

In numerous interviews and articles, including my essay 'Globalist Strategy: Use Crazy Leftists And Provocateurs To Enrage/Demonize Conservatives', I have warned leftists that they are being exploited by globalists as a means to drive conservatives towards greater centralization under Trump and the federal government and that if they continue on the path they have embraced, a totalitarian response may be imminent.

Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour:  "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

After days of the media reporting on leaked excerpts from Hillary's upcoming book entitled "What Happened," it now seems that some Democrats are growing just as weary of Hillary's perpetual excuses and endless clamoring for the spotlight as their colleagues on the right side of the aisle.  According to The Hill, one rather blunt former Hillary fundraiser said that he wished "she’d just shut the f**k up and go away.”

Putin: "A Diplomatic Solution Is Still Possible For North Korea"

Putin: "A Diplomatic Solution Is Still Possible For North Korea"

Only a few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the US and North Korea were “on the verge of a large-scale conflict,” seeming to imply that a war – possibly more than just conventional – was inevitable, as North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un would never shutter the country’s nuclear program, according to Russia Today.

Today, in what appears to be a reversal, Putin – speaking at an economic forum in Vladivostok on Thursday - cautioned that there would be no conflict involving nuclear weapons in northeast Asia.

Trump Jr. Says He Only Took Meeting With Russian Lawyer To Assess Clinton's "Fitness" For Office

Trump Jr. Says He Only Took Meeting With Russian Lawyer To Assess Clinton's "Fitness" For Office

After managing to escape a public hearing, at least for now, Donald Trump Jr. told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in a closed session this morning that he only accepted his now-infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in order to ascertain Hillary's "fitness" for office.  Per The Hill:
