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America's "Deep State First" Policy

America's "Deep State First" Policy

Authored by Bonner & Partners' Bill Bonner, annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum,

Lighting a Candle

On Tuesday, Donald Trump, president of all the Americans, said his country would spend more blood and money trying to force the Afghans to do what it wants them to do, whatever that is.


If you are destined to stay on the Afghan plantation forever, might as well plant something. [PT]


Mystery Deepens After US Confirms 16 Diplomats Suffered "Traumatic Brain Injury" In Cuban 'Sonic Attack'

Mystery Deepens After US Confirms 16 Diplomats Suffered "Traumatic Brain Injury" In Cuban 'Sonic Attack'

One of the most bizarre stories this week took a more sinister turn yesterday as the US State Department officially confirmed 16 US Government employees were affected by health attacks in Cuba.

State Deaprtment spokesperson Heather Nuarte calmly explained the details, which are quite frankly stunning...

Mnuchin And Wife Cleared Of Eclipsegate; Viewed Eclipse From Fort Knox, Not Government Plane

Mnuchin And Wife Cleared Of Eclipsegate; Viewed Eclipse From Fort Knox, Not Government Plane

We still have no idea where Hillary's missing 30,000 emails are but, thanks to the intense investigation of one very concerned Washington D.C. watch dog group, we now know exactly where Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and his bombshell wife were standing the moment the moon passed in front of the sun earlier this week. 

Per the Washington Post, Mnuchin and wife viewed the eclipse from the roof of Fort Knox and not from the comfort of a government plane:
