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'Gimme Gimme Gimme!' - Ukraine's Zelensky Demands MORE Money From Washington

Ukrainian president Zelensky has warned US Republicans that if they win next week Ukraine needs more than just weapons. Ukraine also needs cold, hard cash to pay its bills. Ukraine's endless demands even irritated President Biden, according to a new article on CNBC. Also today: Covid tyranny aftershocks continue, with Dr. Peter McCullough continuing to be stripped of his licenses...for telling the truth. Finally: 60 years ago we almost saw nuclear war. Cooler heads prevailed. Today we are back...without cooler heads. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Ron Paul Shares Stories from the US House of Representatives on the Tulsi Gabbard Show

Ron Paul, in an hour-long Tulsi Gabbard Show interview with host Tulsi Gabbard that aired on Tuesday, shares several stories from his time in the House of Representatives as a Republican from Texas. Paul left the House in January of 2013, just before Gabbard joined the House as a Democrat from Hawaii. Stories Paul shares in the interview open a window on the workings of the House.

Smackdown! House Dems Desperately Walk Back Letter Urging Diplomacy For Ukraine

How it started: 30 Members of the House Progressive Caucus penned a relatively timid letter to President Biden suggesting a bit of diplomacy before we march to WWIII. How it's going: The House Progressive Caucus almost immediately began furiously backpedaling from their own letter. Meanwhile the US 101st Airborne is in Poland and "ready to fight." Also today - MSNBC pundit: if you worry about inflation, you might be pro-Hitler. What? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Did Biden Offer Saudis An Oil 'Quid Pro Quo' To Boost Dem Election Prospects?

The announced two million barrel cut per day from OPEC+ was a heavy body blow to President Biden and the Democrats as they face what may be very rocky mid-term elections. Did Biden pressure the Saudis to hold off on the cuts until after the elections? Also today, a CPI nuke was dropped on the US economy. Finally, how democratic is Germany? Watch today's Liberty Report:
