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We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

Last days of Pompey?  I was just there last week and I saw the future, not the past. To anyone watching the UN Security Council “debate” last night it is crystal clear we are in the last days before all hell breaks out. So, here we are at Judgment Day, and there surely will not be one soul out on Pennsylvania Avenue to raise an anti-war placard. The tattered remains of the American peace movement is rotten to the core. — Gilbert Doctorow

War with Russia Approaching

No sign this morning of Washington coming to its senses. Zero Hedge reports that Trump is canceling his trip to Peru’s Summit of the Americas in order to oversee the US attack on Syria. If the attack is real and not merely a hit at an unimportant target for PR effect, war could be upon us.

Russia Furious As U.S. Navy Destroyer Approaches Syria Without Notification

On The Threshold of War — Paul Craig Roberts

On The Threshold of War

Paul Craig Roberts

“The Russian view is simple: the West is ruled by a gang of thugs supported by an infinitely lying and hypocritical media while the general public in the West has been hopelessly zombified.” — The Saker

“The US generals, unlike the US politicians and media and US administration, are risk-averse if the outcome may be catastrophic.” — Gilbert Doctorow

Israel Is Again Pushing Washington To War

Israel Is Again Pushing Washington To War

Here you have the hypocritical Israelis urging war over a hoax chemical attack in Syria in which allegedly 70 people died, while the murderous Israelis are killing Palestinians by the bushel daily.
