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The US Military Has Vacated Its Niger Bases

In April, I wrote about the United States government agreeing to remove its troops from Niger after, a month earlier, the new government of Niger demanded this action.

Here is an update. On Monday, the US Department of Defense and Niger Ministry of National Defense announced in a joint statement that US forces and assets had been removed from the final US military installation in the African country, with a full withdrawal of the US military set to be completed as planned “over the coming weeks.”

Will Israel Nuke Lebanon and Iran?

The Israel government won’t stop its decimating of Gaza. Plus, it keeps lashing out at other nations in the region. Doesn’t it worry that it will end up defeated by engaging in war too broadly? The worry may be small because the Israel government has a couple big weapons in its back pocket.

First, the Israel government has reason to expect that the full force of the United States military and wallet of American taxpayers will come to Israel’s aid if Israel puts itself into a bind through its military adventurism. This is an example of what economists call a moral hazard.

The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived – What Are The Implications For Americans?

By Brandon Smith

If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.
