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And Now Fake Consumer Confidence Too: Gallup Says Confidence In The Economy "Tumbled"

And Now Fake Consumer Confidence Too: Gallup Says Confidence In The Economy "Tumbled"

It appears we can now add "consumer confidence" to fake news trash heap.

Roughly at the same time as the allegedly apolitical Conference Board reported the highest consumer confidence print in 17 years...


... not to mention the most optimistic outlook on stocks since 2 months before the dot com bubble burst, a very different number emerged from a similar poll by Gallup.

First, a reminder of what the Conf. Board said this morning:

House Committee Passes Bill To "Audit The Fed"

The Republican-controlled Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved a bill earlier today to allow for a congressional audit of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, a proposal Fed policymakers have opposed and likely faces a difficult path to final approval in the Senate.  Under the bill, the Fed’s monetary policy deliberations could be subject
to outside review by the Government Accountability Office. 

Trump Asks Why Intelligence Committee Isn't Probing The Clintons

Following a day of drama involving the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, who has been under constant onslaught by Democrats ever since his disclosure last week that Trump had indeed been the object of surveillance, and whose Democrat peer at the Intel panel, Adam Schiff, on Monday night called for Nunes to recuse himself, moments ago Trump waded into the news cycle when he asked on Twitter why the House Intelligence Committee is not investigating the Clintons for various ties of their own to Russia.

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Update: Nunes has refused to step down from the Russia probe, The Hill reports. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told reporters Monday evening he will not step down from the committee's investigation into Russia's interference in the United States presidential election, despite a chorus of Democratic lawmakers demanding he recuse himself. 

"Everything is politics here," Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said, as reported by a journalist from Voice of America.

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