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Marine Le Pen: "I Will Introduce The New Franc At A Rate Of One-To-One To The Euro"

Marine Le Pen: "I Will Introduce The New Franc At A Rate Of One-To-One To The Euro"

Providing some much needed details on her plans to redenominate the French currency, should she win the French presidential election in under two months, on Wednesday Marine le Pen told RTL radio should would introduce a new franc at a rate of one-to-one to the euro and then allow it to fluctuate, despite previously saying that any new national currency would continue to be pegged to a basket of currencies.

Wikileaks Exposes CIA Exploit Capable Of Cyber "False Flag" Attack To Blame Russia

Wikileaks Exposes CIA Exploit Capable Of Cyber "False Flag" Attack To Blame Russia

Via Whitney Webb of,

Earlier today, Wikileaks once again made headlines following its release of the “largest ever publication of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents.” The massive release – just the first batch in a trove of documents code-named “Vault 7” by Wikileaks – details the CIA’s global covert hacking program and its arsenal of weaponized exploits.

Former AG Loretta Lynch Approved Trump Wiretap, Faces Prosecution

Former AG Loretta Lynch Approved Trump Wiretap, Faces Prosecution

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is likely to face prosecution after she signed off on the FISA court order approving Barack Obama’s request to wiretap Donald Trump. Obama petitioned the FISA court twice during the presidential election, allowing him to tap Trump’s telephone conversations, under the guise of conducting a non-existent “national security investigation.” According to new reports, all applications to the FISA Court last year would have signed off on by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
